the blue centerlight pop

Wednesday, December 11

my fortune cookie from last night: "you are capable, competent, creative and careful [in bed]"...hahaha i always knew those cookies were wiser than people give them credit for being.
amanda @ 2:20 PM


'twas a very good day, indeed. mongolian dinner with propho friends, IT (improvisational theater) show with the girls, and james bond with some other friends...and now i'm on the phone with my ross, so i must go.
amanda @ 2:02 AM


Tuesday, December 10

so i'm sitting here alone in the house working on my papers half-naked when i hear a knock at the door..."eh, it's probably the fedex guy," i think, "no need to rush down and answer it"...then i think i hear the door now i'm like, "okay, it's a roommate. no big deal." and then, a man's voice. eek. so i frantically put on pants and a bra and grab my phone (i have the cops on my speeddial) and run downstairs. "hello?" it's an old man. he looks at me as if we've met a million times and it's completely normal that he's in my living room. turns out he was from berkeley and was just inspecting the house. we talked about the plumbing and he tested the fire alarms, and that was that. but man, you'd think they'd call ahead of time or something...meanwhile, i'm still clothed. just in case someone else wanders in unannounced.
amanda @ 3:34 PM


Monday, December 9

yeah, so, i definitely haven't been's been a wild few days. friday was blowout, last day of classes, full day of debauchery--everyone drunk from the am till pm and classes are even bigger jokes than normal. i, of course, skipped my only class of the day. i was all up and ready to go, but then roommate bonding commenced and...well, class didn't. i don't really have time to go into detail about the day's happenings, but highlights are as follows: jello, peach schnapps, earwax, and vomit--all before evening, airplanes and prayers, cabinet meetings (who's third in line? house majority leader?) and skipping all ks, caf dinner with strangers asking about the shirt, plastic plate frisbee, karen sitting in a pizza and losing her pants, foozball (too many sticks and not enough me), mexican poetry reading and sex in the bathroom, spending the night at the kappa apartment and delta phi discussing religion and attracting a crowd of curious listeners, "i couldn't suck it out, yo," the duct tape dancefloor, why don't we do it in the road? except that song doesn't exist to anyone but me, long-awaited reciprocation--but he was too sick to enjoy it, "okay girls--to the row!" times a million, and sleep. then i woke up saturday and dressed up like an elf with red flashing antlers and went caroling and got some tourist-loving...and then dinner party for megan! lumpy mashed potatoes and "how do you take off a leg?" and nintendo and guitar and moose tracks and really big candy canes. then home too late to go to abby's and jessica's christmas party, so hang out and not-study instead. sunday was a get up early and study day. learn a couple million years of prehistory and then a quick nap, mass with karen and grand illuminations (kind of...wren's backside faces campus, not confu-co, mr. kukelhaus). then home for the big lebowski and a long bout of rosstime and then a tidbit of studying and bed. then today...the exam, went okay i think--regardless, it's over. then breakfast with jon and fred, and home to chill for a bit. now i'm doing this and soon i'll be cleaning the kitchen like i was supposed to do yesterday, and then i'll write one of the two papers i have to do before my next three exams. i'm 14.286% done! :) woohoo! sorry these things are always sooo long, but a lot happens in a day and it accumulates like snow in alaska. okay. kitchen time--i get to play cinderella!
amanda @ 1:57 PM


gosh, i'm feeling mighty
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